Why We Exist
Even though recently I got to interface with a lot of you individually in long format discussions where we had “the talk” about what we are and what we are trying to do. I figured a lot of people who have joined us recently only know indirectly or have second hand account of what we are trying to do. so I wanted to take this opportunity to explain what exactly we are trying to do here.
The Game
We are very mindful of our existence and how we operate. We are a for profit business first and foremost but that’s not the only thing we are.
What’s the game we are playing
Before answering this let me setup some context, we as a industry are not know for anything, we are consistently placed at bottom for every meaningful metric there is.
I personally see businesses as value engines, they solve a problem and move the society forward and within this space we are placed at the lower in the value chain. We are simply trying to rise above our circumstances and want to be known for something meaningful.
Why is this important
This is important because no one should come of age and feel this dread inside that cards are stacked against them and whatever they try there is nothing they can do about it. Problem is, here smart and thoughtful people don’t have any sense of belonging anymore, this place doesn’t represent their values and there is this constant feeling of being dragged down by their circumstances.
I have seen this hopelessness manifesting in sad and weird ways. More often than not the end result is they want to disassociate themselves indiscriminately from everything even the good parts all because they couldn’t find their place in the world they live in.
Why are we playing this game
Because why not, because we have courage to play the game. We should have the right to exist in this world with dignity and fail or succeed on our terms. More importantly I know we have so much more to offer to the world.
How will we win
Everyone has took a path to reach a place they are here today and all the decisions which are taken based on the constraints and tradeoffs of that time which are not true anymore and instead of extending that path its better to reevaluate all the assumptions taken to reach here.
Sometime you came to realize there is a lot more wisdom encoded in the status quo and its refreshing when you figure that out but that shouldn’t be an excuse to skip the exercise to fundamentally.
Strategy for Winning
There are lot of bets we have taken to ensure we will win.
- Non Technical Partners.
- Interfacing Team with Clients.
- Treating Employees as adults.
- Rejecting Remote Work.
- Making Decisions at the lowest possible unit.
- Invest unreasonable amount of time in Training and Learning.
Final Note
I believe we can win as a business by not focusing on wining (in a traditional sense) and leaving bodies in our wake. The game we are playing is not a zero sum game, there are not, actually there should not be any winners or losers, everyone participating should benefit.
We will succeed. I believe this because each and every one of you was carefully handpicked. It may seem farfetched but all of you have the ability to surpass me even without my help. I know we will succeed because we here at carbonteq we are betting on all of you.