Todo App
Revisiting the basics, for development of large scale apps.
- Create a Todo Item API
- With Sequential
- Cover gitflow and prepare a custom diagram in Goal is to visualize SDLC from gitflow perspective
Prefer async-await over then and callbacks.
Donβt rely on database generated Id and instead use application generated UUID.
Goal is to use layered architecture, directory structure should be well organized.
Create Http layer (Presentation Layer) to house all express related code (middleware, route, controller, expressApp)
Use auth middleware in express to handle login.
Refactor Phase 1
Refactor the code to adapt following features from 12 Factor Apps.
Create domain layer and refactor your code to house entities and utilize factory pattern (static factory methods or factories to create entities) for todo and users
Create a physical store like API on top of the mongoose model using an adapter pattern.
Implement Google Auth for login, using google nodejs client.
Understand the above mentioned concepts of 12 factor apps.
Understand the static factory method by the end of exercise.
Develop a good understanding of OAuth2 with Google.
Make sure the store APIβs are similar to actual physical stores, and they always receive and return entities.
Refactor Phase 2
Create application services to move the logic away from controllers.
Add pagination options to API endpoints.
Add custom exceptions to stores and services and rely on exception handling to send appropriate error messages from API.
Use custom exceptions to express errors in system and log your exceptions.
Controllers should only be responsible for preparing the inputs for services and should be as lean as possible.
Use standard pagination options as input for pagination and paginatedCollections as output.
Use intelligent exceptions messages and always rely on exception for failures instead of return types.
Logs must always be written to std streams and must give insights for failures.
Refactor Phase 3
Cover next concepts in 12 factor app
Port binding
Add Infrastructure Layer and refactor your stores to repositories.
Use Migrations and fakers to repopulate databases.
Express server invocation should be moved to its own (BIN or CLI) presentation layer.
Implement JWT auth for login.
Use Dependency Injection to inject repositories to your application services.
Use commander to instantiate express server.
Pre-populate the database with fake/seed data.
Understand mechanics of JWT and how it helps us achieve a stateless system.
Refactor Phase 4
Use single docker containers to run databases.
Shift Login related to passport js with jwt support.
Implement the Command Bus pattern to interact with stores and entities in todo app.
Use mocha, sinon and chai to add test cases to the app.
Properly Implement command bus pattern and use commands to create entities from raw objects and handler should extract entities manipulate and save them
Use spies and stubs to properly unit test stores.
Mock Sequalize.
Understand basic concepts of docker.
Run docker containers as daemons.
Monitor and inspect running containers and their logs.
Refactor Phase 5
Implement Observer pattern to raise events on creation of user and todo items.
Implement email/slack notification drivers to notify users.
Move the codebase to docker compose.
Add Integrations tests for stores and command bus.
Have good understanding of emitting and handling events.
Debug applications running on docker compose.
Understand the difference between unit and integration testing.
How to submit your work
Create a public repo on Github and push your code on it. then share the link back with the team.