Headless Document Management System
Pre Requisites
Kick-Off (Week 1)
Create a Document Management System (DMS) with basic CRUD operations for documents.
- Build endpoints for uploading documents with metadata.
- Build endpoint for managing metadata.
- Build endpoints for managing permissions.
- Introduce JWT-based authentication for securing endpoints.
- Build endpoint for generating short lived download links for files.
- Implement advanced search filters for documents using tags and metadata.
Cover gitflow and prepare a custom diagram in figjam. Goal is to visualize SDLC from git flow perspective
- Implement roles and permissions for users (Admin, User) using role-based access control (RBAC).
- Prefer async-await over then and callbacks.
- Use drizzle as an orm to work with databases.
- Don’t rely on database generated Id and instead use application generated UUID.
- Validate every aspect of the input to the endpoints using Zod.
- Use auth middleware in express to handle login.
Refactor Phase 1 (Week 2)
Refactor the code to adapt following features from 12 Factor Apps.
- Codebase
- Dependencies
- Config
Create services to move the logic away from controllers.
Better understanding of Monads and Railway Pattern using intelligent exceptions messages.
Abstract away ORM model and create a physical store like APIs using repository pattern with interface for stores and their concrete implementation utilizing ORM models.
- Create abstractions for the logging implementation in the system and use DI to inject appropriate loggers everywhere.
- Controllers will only be used for passing (clean/validated) and receiving data from services and should be as lean as possible.
- Use standard pagination options as input for pagination and paginatedCollections as output.
- Understand the above mentioned concepts of 12 factor apps.
- Make sure the store API’s are similar to actual physical stores,
- Use DI to inject repository interfaces directly in services.
Refactor Phase 2 (Week 3)
- Extract and house all entities__ in the platform in separate folder and utilize factory pattern (static factory methods or factories to create entities)
- Abstract away the login mechanism and use DI to inject appropriate auth handlers in the code.
- Cover next concepts in 12 factor app
- Processes
- Port binding
- Concurrency
- Separate Input validation from business rules validations. e.g
- When sending money, amount must always be a positive integer, and there always must be a receiver credit card number in a correct format;
- Client cannot purchase a product that is out of stock;
- Client’s wallet cannot have less than 0 balance.
- Entities should encapsulate all the operations which change their state and we should design them in a way where invariants don’t exist in the system
- Make sure the repositories always receive and return entities.
- Understand various creational patterns by the end of this phase.
- There should be separation of concerns between entry point into the app and bootstrapping the HTTP framework/libraries. Use commander to instantiate the express server.
Refactor Phase 3 (Week 4)
- Your framework is not your application. Refactor the application to move all app related code to separate directory and create abstractions based on layered architecture to manage code.
- Create abstractions to send and receive data from your application services.
- Use Migrations and fakers to repopulate databases.
- Diff between entities and value objects.
- Diff between services in diff layers. // Domain Service, Application Service, Infrastructure Service
- Correct use and understanding of onion architecture and DI in layered architecture.
- Pre-populate the database with fake/seed data.
Refactor Phase 4 (Week 5)
- Refactor code to fulfill guidelines enforced by Hex app to design systems.
- Use mocha, sinon and chai to add test cases to the app for domain layer.
- Correct usage of functional concurrent functional flow in the app.
- Correct usage of AppResult to transform data across boundaries.
- Using Zod and associated utils in hex app to generate types and their validations at domain layer.
- Understanding shared utils in the hexapp.
- Using various other hexapp utils to refactor the existing codebase.
Refactor Phase 5 (Week 6)
- Refactor the app to use multiple document stores using strategy pattern.
- Add Observability and Application performance monitoring by integrating with newrelic.
- Create a CLI tool for bulk downloading the data (folders) from document management system.
- Correct use of Retry and timeouts for resilience
- Adding concurrency constraints on background process.
- Use sentry/new relic to observer performance of Application
How to submit your work
Create a public repo on Github and push your code on it. then share the link back with the team.