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CQRS Booking

You should implement a simple booking solution in CQRS architecture.

About CQRS​

CQRS for Command Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern.

A query returns data and does not alter the state of the object. A command changes the state of an object but does not return any data.

We will split our code in read and write code to really live this pattern

Booking subject​

We want to make a booking solution for one hotel.

The first 2 users stories are :

  • As a user i want to see all free rooms.
  • As a user i want to book a room. They want to use the CQRS pattern, To do that we will have :

One command service with a function bookARoom(Booking) they call the WriteRegistry they notify the ReadRegistry called by query service with function Room[] freeRooms(arrival: Date, departure: Date)

The Booking struct contains

  • client id
  • room name
  • arrival date
  • departure date

And the Room struct contain only

  • room name
  • source


Your work will be evaluated primarily on:

  • Cleanliness of the code
  • Use modern ES6+ syntax, async/await, elegant & readable code
  • file explaining your high level solution and any decisions you made and the reasons behind them


Inspiration source of this kata

Explanation of CQRS by Microsoft