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Task for Web QA Automation

The Goal​

Your task is to write automated tests preferably with Cypress, NightWatch or Playwright to demonstrate your test automation abilities.

The Process​

  1. Start a new github repository with detailed "README" document on how to execute the tests.
  2. Write end-to-end tests fulfilling the Acceptance Criteria below.
  3. Publish test execution report in html format.
  4. Prepare a test summary report and include the information about platform, browser, tools etc
  5. Include all tests related document in same github repository.

Acceptance Criteria​

  • Scenario 1: [Check the total displayed number of results for category Smart Home | Televisions]

    1. Starts on the Amazon
    2. Go to Categories list
    3. Choose category 'Smart Home'
    4. Choose sub-category category 'Home Entertainment'
    5. Choose sub-category 'Televisions'
    6. Check the total number of results match the total displayed products
  • Scenario 2: [Check filter by department in Deals and Promotions page]

    1. Click on Today's Deals
    2. From Departments filter, Show see more
    3. Select Software department
    4. Assert on choosing the correct selected department
  • Scenario 3: [Check the selected currency displayed for the products' price]

    1. Go to Currency Settings
    2. Change currency from 'USD' to 'AED'
    3. Save changes
    4. Check the selected currency displayed for the products' price
  • Scenario 4: [Check Product Details Page]

    1. From Search DDL, chose "Electronics" and Search for "Apple"
    2. Click on any product displayed
    3. Verify In/Out of stock, price, rating, and shipping details
    4. Click and verify add to cart feature

Bonus Round (not required, but nice-to-have)​

  • Usage of code quality tools such as eslint, prettier, typescript
  • Integration of your tests into a CI pipeline
  • Manual test cases to cover the given scenarios
  • Report any found bugs with associated screenshots
  • Brief Performance report on home page using Jmeter or any similar tool
  • Security and Vulnerability assessment
  • Surprise us…

How we're evaluating the results​

Prioritized from most important to least important, here are our evaluation criteria:

  1. Acceptance Criteria: Have all acceptance criteria been fulfilled correctly?
  2. Code Quality: Is the code that you've written clean, well-structured and easy to understand?
  3. Documentation: Did you document how to run your tests well? Is your written communication clear and easy-to-understand?
  4. The extra mile: Everything you did on top of the acceptance criteria.

How to submit your work​

Create a public repo on Github and push your code on it. then share the link back with the team.